Beard Care for Dry Skin

Beard Care for Dry Skin and Dandruff Prevention

Sporting a great beard is a true pleasure. Its fun, means less shaving time, and just looks great! But if you’re one of the unlucky beard wearers who experience irritating dry skin under your beard, you may be wondering if it’s worth it!

Here’s the main causes of dry beard skin, and their treatment.

  • Excessive cleansing.
    Wash every two or three days instead of daily.
  • Facial cleansers made from soap.
    Choose products that don’t strip natural oils.
  • Very low or high temperatures.
    Limit your skins exposure to very low or high temperatures. Make sure your shower water temperature is is not too hot.
  • Persistent skin conditions.
    Visit a doctor or dermatologist for a diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of dry skin under beards

To fix an issue, you need to identify the cause. There are different causes of dry skin for bearded men:

Washing your beard too often

It is important to wash your beard to keep it clean and enviable, but you don’t have to do it every day. You can wash it few times in a week instead, because washing your beard each day can strip off your beard natural oil, which can lead to dry skin. It’s recommended to pick yourself up some beard shampoo to wash your beard effectively.

Washing your beard with harsh cleaners

Washing your beard with harsh cleaners such as detergent, any shampoo or bar soap can cause your skin to be extremely dry. These cleaners can strip off your beard natural oil thereby leaving it dry. Use only cleansers specially designed for washing beards. 

Long beard

If your beard is long, then you run a high risk of having dry skin. This is because long beard requires extra amount of oil for moisturizing. If your sebaceous glands do not secrete enough sebum for the beard, it might lead to dry skin.


Dry skin can occur because of harsh weather. Extreme cold or dry weather can eliminate moisture from your skin thereby causing dry skin.

Ways to get rid of dry skin under the beard

Avoid hot shower

Hot shower is soothing and relaxing especially during the winter, but just a little problem with it. It can strip off the oil that moisturizes your beard leaving your skin excessively dry.

That said, you don’t have to run away from hot shower, all you need to do is to turn the shower knob a few degrees towards the cold shower. This solution can help get rid of the dry skin in a matter of days also reduce the chance of having dry skin.

Avoid using harsh cleaners

Do not use your favorite bathing soap to wash your beard. Using any kind of soap to watch your beard can lead to dry skin issues.

Use beard shampoo instead that contains the essential vitamins to moisturize your beard and the skin underneath. Using the appropriate beard cleanser will help eliminate the flaky skin, itching and prevent dry skin.

Use coconut oil

You can use coconut oil to treat dry flakes and itchiness. It also keeps your beard hydrated and eliminates dry flakes. Apply coconut oil to your beard twice each day to eliminate the dry flakes.

Maintain healthy lifestyle

Eating healthy and working our regularly does not only benefit your body, but also benefit the skin under your beard.

Maintaining healthy lifestyle too can help eliminate and prevent dry skin. Eat healthy and workout regularly.

Final words

And that is it; beard care for dry skin is simple. Try to avoid hot shower, avoid harsh cleansers, and apply coconut oil to moisturize and treat dry skin uses. Use quality beard products and prioritize healthy living.

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