Should Women Shave Their Facial Hair? Women Facial Hair Shaving Tips

Thinking that you shave your legs so why not shave your face? You are in fact correct, and a lot of women happily shave their face regularly. If done properly and with care then shaving can be a great quick and inexpensive way for women to take care of their problem facial hair. There are some caveats to doing this however, so take a looks at the pros and cons before making your decision.

Women can shave their facial hair as an alternative to waxing, tweezing and electrolysis. There is no harm in doing so, though the speed at which it grows back may not be desirable. Common myths that the hair grows back thicker are untrue, though the hair may feel prickly as it regrows due to the blunt edge of shaved hair.

So, there you have it, women can shave their facial hair. Will you switch over to shaving as a facial hair removal method? Read more…

There is a popular notion that women shaving facial hair or any facial hair at all makes it thicker and grows back faster. That is not true. The hair only appears thicker, but in reality, it is just a blunt edge of hair.

Shaving women’s facial hair does not make it thicker and it does not increase the hair growth. This is because shaving does not alter the number of hair follicles in your skin neither does it affect the rate of hair growth. Therefore, the notion is not true.

While shaving might be the quickest and easiest method to rid yourself of unwanted facial hair there are other alternatives as well that might be better if you find you have a sensitive face. You can try laser hair removal, waxing, epilators sugaring and electrolysis are good options to explore.

Will women’s facial hair grow back thicker?

No, women facial grow does not grow back thicker after shaving. The reason some people assume it does is that after shaving facial hair, some prickly hair grows back at the edge, which feel stubbly and coarse.

This creates an impression that the hair grows back thicker. No, it does not; it is just an illusion.

Shaving women’s facial hair does not make it darker or thicker and neither does it change the color of your skin. And shaving does not increase hair growth.

That said, if you notice increasing hair growth than usual, you should see your doctor- it might be a medical condition.

How to shave womens facial hair

Women cannot shave facial hair the way men do. One of the reasons is that women skin is more sensitive than men’s skin. So, as a woman, you would want to take shaving gently.

Follow the steps below for effective shaving of women facial hair

Step 1: Clean your face

Step 2: dry your face and apply women shaving cream, gel or lotion before shaving. You can dry shave too, but shaving without lubrication can increase the risk of irritation or shaving injuries. The lubrication protects your skin when you shave.

Step 3: Prepare your razor. Use a razor designed specifically to shave women facial hair. Do not use a dull razor; it can lead to skin irritation or nicking

Step 4: Holding the skin firm with one hand, and holding the blade at angle 45 degrees. Gently shave the facial hair by applying just a little pressure, in the direction of the hair growth.

Step 5: After each stroke rinse the razor in a small container of water.

Step 6: Immediately clean and moisturize your face after shaving. Also, dip the head of the razor inside alcohol to get rid of bacteria.

The blunt edge of hair that grows back after shaving, which makes the hair feel coarse and stubbly is the reason some people assume shaving makes women facial hair thicker, but it is just an illusion.

Shaving does not make women facial hair thicker neither does it increase the growth of the hair. However, if you notice unusual hair growth, you should speak with your doctor for the possible cause and a solution.

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