Threading Facial Hair Pros and Cons

Threading is an ancient natural form of hair removal, and it is still a method widely used today. While threading facial hair is safe and effective are some pros and cons you need to consider before trying it out for yourself.

The pros and cons of threading facial hair are:


  • Threading is a natural form of hair removal.
  • The hair removal process is fast.
  • Threading can achieve precise, clean lines.
  • Results can last longer than shaving.


  • The cost of professional threading.
  • Learning to self-thread can be difficult.
  • Threading can be painful.

So, while threading is a great option if you value fast, natural, very precise hair removal methods, the professional cost or learning curve may have you reaching for other methods.  
Want to try it for yourself? Read on to teach yourself how to thread facial hair in simple and easy steps. However, if you feel you can’t do it well yourself, leave it for a professional.

Threading involves twisting a thin cotton or polyester thread to pull an unwanted facial hair. You can use this technique on your eyebrows, lips, cheeks and chin.
Watch out though! Wrong move can lead to uneven hair growth, ingrown hairs or damaged skin.

How to Prepare Your Facial Skin for Threading Facial Hair

The first step to threading facial hair is preparing the facial skin. If you don’t prepare your facial skin before threading, it can lead to skin irritation, ingrown hairs and redness.

Preparing your facial skin before threading is also necessary to make the procedure less painful.

Follow the tips below to prepare your face for threading:

  • Don’t thread your facial hair after exfoliating your skin. Wait for a day or two after exfoliating before threading. Threading immediately after exfoliating your skin can make the skin more sensitive, and lead to irritation.
  • Before starting the procedure, massage your face with ice. This will help numb your facial skin, and makes the procedure less painful.
  • Clean your face thoroughly before starting the procedure.
  • Apply talc powder or baby powder before you start the procedure. Talc or baby powder helps to sooth the skin. It can also help to absorb any excess oils on your face that can cause the thread to slip while threading.
  • Get enough hydration before starting the procedure. It can help make the skin less sensitive, and ensure a less painful procedure.
  • Finally, do not be anxious, take a deep breath, begin the procedure and you will be through in let’s say 10 to 15 minutes.

Steps to Threading Facial Hair

  • Get a cotton thread– preferably wholly cotton thread, but if you cannot get a pure cotton thread; choose a cotton thread with high amount of cotton, length, 30 to 60 cm. Get longer thread if you have large hands.
  • Form a loop with the thread – do this by folding the thread into two equal halves. Then create a loop by tying the ends of the cotton thread together. Make sure the thread is not open at both ends.
  • Twist the loop at the center – Begin by opening the loop with your fingers and stretch it. Now, use your right hand to twist the thread 5 or 6 times while using the left hand to hold the looped thread.
    The result should be that the loop is twisted at the middle. If you know another method to achieve that, use it.
  • Begin to thread your facial hair:  Place the twisted part of the thread on the facial hair you want to remove. With your hand in the loop, gently move it against the direction you want to thread. For instance, if you want to thread to the right, move your left hand, if you want to thread to the left, move your right hand. The thread will pluck out the unwanted facial hair.

Threading facial hair is safe and effective to remove facial hair. If you prepare your face before starting the procedure, you will find it less painful compared to waxing or tweezing. The process is quick too. More so, threading is unlikely to miss tiny facial hair.

It is easy to try at home, just go through our easy steps to thread facial hair. However, if you are not confident you can handle it, leave it for a professional!

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