How Beard Oil Can Help With Your Beard Growth and Styling

Beard oil helps to grow beard by making the environment suitable for beard growth. If the environment is not good enough for beard growth, the beard won’t grow as it ought to.

Beard oil works by moisturizing the beard hair and underlying skin, eliminating dead dry skin and keeping the hair healthy. Healthy hair will stay strong and conditioned for longer, allowing it to grow without breaking or frizzing. Using beard oil will also keep your beard styling in place throughout the day.

The function of beard oil

The function of beard oil is to keep the beard and the skin underneath it healthy. A healthy beard and skin is vital for faster beard growth.

Lubricating the skin on your face will eliminate clogged pores, dead cells, flaking and other impediments that can cause a slow growing beard. Beard oil can help repair damaged beard due to smoking, pollution, UV or wind.

Besides, some branded beard oil contains organic ingredients like biotin and caffeine that can help to grow beard.

Choosing the right beard oil for beard growth

There are different options when it comes to beard oil. You can go for pure carrier oil such as coconut, argon or jojoba oil or go for branded beard oil.

These branded beard oil contains the carrier oil as the primary ingredient and some other ingredients that can help stimulate beard growth. Follow the tips below to shop for the right Beard oil.

Tips to choose the right beard growth oil

  • Choose the beard growth oil that contains lightweight carrier oil such as argon oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil or combination. It is a huge plus, if the beard oil contains other natural ingredients that can help grow beard.
  • Don’t consider beard oil that contains heavy carrier oil such as olive or castor oil. They can’t penetrate into the skin.
  • You can either choose scented or non-scented oil. If you prefer scented oil, choose beard oil that comes with natural scents. Artificial scent can cause irritation and allergic reaction.
  • Avoid beard oil with ingredients that gives you allergic reaction.

How to apply beard oil for best results

Put a drop of beard oil into your palm, spread it evenly on your palm and then massage it into your beard and the skin underneath. Comb the beard to make it neat and look fuller.

You can apply it every morning after bathing and any time during the day when you feel it is getting dry.

After applying the beard oil to your beard appropriately, the oil will penetrate your pores, improve the beard elasticity and makes the beard grow faster and thicker.

Nothing promotes beard growth better than keeping your beard and the skin underneath healthy. This is exactly what you get from beard oil. Beard oil will get rid of dry skin, dead skin cells and other conditions that can impede the beard growth.

It can also help to repair damage beard. You can decide to use pure lightweight carrier oil or go for branded beard oil that contains lightweight carrier oil as active ingredient and other natural ingredients.

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