How to Use Facial Hair Trimmers to Achieve Your Perfect Style

It’s hard to achieve and maintain a great beard without the right equipment. Intricate styles with sharp lines need to be meticulously kept so its important to use products designed specially for the job. Enter facial hair trimmers!

How to use facial hair trimmers to style your beard:

  • Comb facial hair to remove knots and smooth.
  • Use a beard trimmer to thin out and taper the beard.
  • Carefully use the trimmer to trim the beard line.
  • Use a razor to finish by shaving hair extending beyond the beard line.

Facial hair trimmers are specially designed to trim your facial hair regularly, and make it look attractive! You can also use scissors or clippers, but they don’t have the same feel, or ease of use as devices primarily made for that purpose.

Tips to using a facial hair trimmer

Groom your facial hair

Groom your facial hair first before using the trimmer. Comb your facial hair in the direction of the hair growth, to make it standing. Apply the shaving cream and shave as you normally do. Shave the unwanted hair on your cheek and neck. Wash away the shaving cream. Now, you are ready to trim.

Use facial hair trimmer to trim the facial hair

If this is your first time using the trimmer, it is advisable you start with a higher setting to prevent cutting too much hair.

Turn on the facial hair trimmer, and move it slowly against the direction of hair growth or with the direction of hair growth, whichever you prefer. Start from under your chin, move to your jaw line, your ear, and then the upper edge of the beard.

Trimming the beard line

First, define your beard line. The beard line is the line from your side burn to the moustache. To choose a beard line that will suit your beard, you need to visualize the shape the beard line is forming. As a rule of thumb, allow your beard to grow to determine the shape it’s forming.

Examples- 90 degrees beard style, a straight beard line from the side burns to the upper edge of the beard, or accentuate the roundness of your face by contouring the beard’s upper edge.

Follow the steps below the trim your beard line

  • Visualize a line A-b, in front of the side burns (A) to an area just before getting to the moustache (B).
  • Let the line be as high as possible.
  • Visualize a curve around the remaining space before A to the side burns.
  • Then remove the guard, hold the trimmer perpendicularly, and trim off the beard above the beard line, up to the front of the curve. Make sure you use the higher settings to avoid cutting off much hair.

Thinning and tapering the facial hair with facial hair trimmer

Tapering the beard means trimming the facial hair in such a way that you thin down the side burns, but maintain the thickness and length of facial hair around the jaw line and chin. The hair in the sideburns is shorter than the rest of the face.

Remove the guard attachment and thin down the side burns. Put the guard attachment and using the higher settings trim the jaw line to maintain the thickness and length.

Tips to use facial hair trimmer

  • Ensure to place the facial hair trimmer at right angle while trimming
  • It is advisable to set your trimmer to higher settings not to cut too much hair. You can adjust the settings until you get the desired results.  
  • Move the facial hair trimmer in different directions to achieve better results

Facial hair trimmers are easier to use because it allows you to adjust trimmer settings as it suits you. If you are inexperienced, set your trimmer to higher settings to avoid trimming away too much hair. Washing your beard, trimming, and moisturizing it regularly are ways to make your beard look good.  

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