Do Facial Hair Growth Products Work? Which is the Best One to Use?

Can facial hair growth products really deliver on all they claim? If so, what are the best products to use?

While facial hair growth products can improve the quality and growth rate of facial hair, they cannot cause new hair follicles to develop. Those with patchy or sparse facial hair will not see much improvement after using such products. If you are looking to purchase a product to improve your existing growth, choose brands with natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals.

Because a facial hair product says, “facial hair growth” on the packaging does not mean it will grow new hair follicles if you use the product.

What you need to understand is that facial hair growth is tied to genetics and hormones. If you do not have the genetics for facial hair, the facial hair products might not be useful for you.  

Lower levels of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and testosterone too affect facial hair growth. Men with high DHT and testosterone have faster facial hair growth compared to men with low DHT and testosterone levels. Eating a healthy diet and taking necessary supplements can help boost the hormone levels.

That’s to say getting facial hair growth products is not enough to solve slow facial hair growth. You need to identify the cause of the slow growth rate then apply appropriate solution.

Facial hair growth supplements

Facial hair growth supplements works for facial hair grow. What makes them work? Facial hair supplements contain essential vitamins and minerals that can increase facial hair growth.

Your facial hair needs vital vitamins and minerals to grow.

Vitamin D can help boost the testosterone levels. Zinc too can help increase the hormone levels. Biotin can boost the production of keratin, which is essential for facial hair growth.

Vitamin C will prevent hair loss. Other vitamins you should look out for in a facial hair supplement are vitamin B6, Vitamin E, iron, vitamin B12, and Niacin.

Good facial hair supplement contains these nutrients in the right proportion. Of course, you can get these nutrients in foods such as spinach, nuts, salmon, nuts etc., but it is easier with supplements.

Beard shampoo

Don’t use regular shampoo or any other product to wash your beard. It will strip off the natural oil and leaves you with a dry skin. Beard shampoo is specially formulated to leave your beard clean and healthy. Dry skin can cause the facial hair to grow slowly.

Beard oil

Beard oil is for moisturizing your beard and the skin underneath. This is essential to prevent beard dandruff, which could impede facial hair growth.

What beard oil does, basically, is to provide a good environment for the facial hair to grow. Facial hair thrives in a healthy environment.

The active ingredient in beard growth oil is the carrier oil. When you want to purchase beard growth oil, go for beard growth oil, which has jojoba, argon or coconut oil as active ingredient or combination. These oils are lighter in weight, thus, they can penetrate into the skin underneath compared to heavy carrier oil, which sits on top of the facial hair.  

Tips to buy the right beard oil

  • Buy beard growth oil with argon, jojoba, coconut oil alone, or in combination, as active ingredients
  • Check the label to see if it contains ingredients that can give you allergies.
  • Don’t trust beard growth oil that the ingredients are not listed.
  • You can go for beard growth oil that contains ingredients that can make facial hair grow faster e.g. caffeine.

Bottom line

Facial hair growth starts from the inside. Therefore, supplying your body with the right nutrients through food or supplements is necessary to boost the facial hair growth.

The beard oil then handles the outside to make sure the environment is suitable to stimulate beard growth. When purchasing beard oil, facial hair supplement or any other facial hair growth product make sure you check the label for ingredients.

If the ingredients are not listed, don’t buy! You have the right to know all about the product you want to apply on your face or any other parts of your body for that matter.

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