How Can Women Get Rid of Unwanted Facial Hair?

While facial hair is a natural part of life for both men and women, female facial hair is a huge concern for most women. Excess facial hair on a woman can be due to genetics or hormonal conditions. Regardless of the cause, if you would prefer to remove your female facial hair permanently then you may want to consider hair removal options like electrolysis.

Women often use electrolysis as a way to remove unwanted facial hair. Electrolysis uses small electrical currents damage hair follicle roots and retard hair growth. Over time, with enough treatments the effects will have permanent results.

The Inexpensive and easy methods to remove facial hair like shaving, tweezing, bleaching, or waxing cannot remove female facial hair permanently.

Even laser treatment is not as effective as electrolysis for permanent facial hair removal.

Electrolysis is an advanced technique to remove facial hair permanently. You have to schedule a consultation with a qualified electrologist to begin the treatment. An electrologist is a medical technician that specializes in removing facial hair permanently through the process of electrolysis.

How electrolysis works for permanent female facial hair removal

Electrolysis is an advanced method for facial hair removal approved by the FDA. It works by using electric current or short radio waves to damage the hair follicles permanently.

Electrolysis is expensive and it requires multiple sessions before you can achieve the desired result. It takes at least two years to get the required results. Electrolysis can be painful and it makes some patients feel uncomfortable.

Read these tips before seeing an electrologist

Do your research: the truth of the matter is, not all electrologists are professionals. Research different clinics and choose the best.  Speak with people that have firsthand experience with the procedure and tell them to recommend a clinic for you.

Make sure you conduct proper research before choosing a clinic. Electrolysis is expensive, no room for gambling!

Be patient: you will need to be patient with the process. It takes time before the facial hair disappears permanently. You might need to schedule a session every month for at least 2 years. However, as you progress with the procedure, you will notice changes.

Keep your hormones and insulin under control: hormones and insulin contributes to excess facial hair. Before you start the session, make sure your hormones and insulin are under control. You can achieve this by eating less carbohydrate, exercising regularly and through medication.

If your hormone or insulin level is out of control, the process may take longer than usual. So make sure you eat only sugar, gluten free and low carb diet.

Ways you can control excessive female facial hair

Female facial hair can be due to genetics, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and androgen sensitivity. Women with high testosterone or other hormonal problems can also have facial hair. Here are ways you can control female facial hair growth prior to a facial hair removal treatment.

Maintain a healthy weight: exercising regularly to maintain healthy weight can help reduce the level of androgens.

Also, maintain healthy diet. Don’t eat food that will increase the male hormone. Let your diet have low carb, be sugar free and gluten free.

Antiandrogen medications: under the supervision of your doctor, you can take antiandrogen medications, to block the androgen receptors from producing androgens from the pituitary glands, ovaries, or the adrenal glands.

Birth control pills: estrogen-progestin birth control pills can help to reduce the amount of androgens. Doctors recommend these pills to treat Hirsutism. Hirsutism is a medical condition that leads to excessive female facial hair. It occurs as a result of androgens (male hormone). Hirsutism is also a symptom of PCOS.

Electrolysis is an advanced method to remove female facial hair permanently. However, it is expensive and takes time to remove the facial hair permanently. For it to be effective, your hormones and insulin level needs to be under control.

Perhaps you don’t have the funds yet for electrolysis, you can follow the tips in the article on how to control female facial hair growth.

Make sure your doctor approves any medication you will take to prevent excessive female facial hair.

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