How to Grow Beard Facial Hair Faster

Once you’ve made the decision to grow out your beard you have to go through the slow process of growing it out. Careful styling can help how you look while you wait, but if patience isn’t quite your style, there are a couple of things you can do to help speed up beard growth.

How to speed up facial hair growth:

  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Minimize stress.
  • Take growth supplements.
  • If necessary visit your GP to discuss hormone treatment.

Understand that facial hair growth takes time, and it does not appear overnight. However, if you can’t wait, there are ways you can make it grow faster. See the rest of our article for more details.

Ways you can grow beard facial hair faster

Treat hormone conditions

If there is a deficiency in the testosterone hormone, your facial hair will not grow faster and may appear patchy. The symptoms for low testosterone include low muscle mass, weak muscles and fatigue. If you notice these symptoms, a check-in with your doctor might in order to inquire if hormone therapy might be an option if required. There are also supplements that can help.

Good diet

If you are serious about growing facial hair faster, you need to adjust your diet. Good diet can help produce more testosterone hormone for beard growth.

Foods that will grow your beard facial hair faster

Vegetables: Vegetables contains the necessary vitamins (Vitamin A, Bc, and C) and minerals like calcium, zinc, iron, and sulfurs to improve your facial hair growth.  Broccoli, cucumbers, green peas, spinach, and sweet potatoes are great for facial hair growth. Fresh beans and Bell pepper are good additions too.

Proteins: fish like tuna and salmon are good source of omega fatty acids, which is necessary for beard growth. Other protein source such as eggs, fish, red meat, milk, beans, yoghurt, and cheese are also good for beard growth.

Fruit:  apples can keep your facial hair patch free. It is rich in vitamins that can help grow facial hair faster. Blueberries too are rich in vitamins that can increase facial hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Avocados are good source of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary to repair damaged hair and boost the strength of hair follicles.

Oranges can give you abundance of vitamin C, which is necessary to deal with patches. You can also consider fruit such as grapes, Kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, and pineapple.

Nut and seeds: you can increase your beard faster with eating just two Brazilian nuts per day. Brazilian nuts are a good source for selenium, which is essential for hair growth.

Almonds, peanuts, and flaxseed are also good for facial hair growth. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats and fibers.

You can get these vitamins and minerals too in dietary supplements.

Drink water regularly: drink water regularly to stay hydrated.  Little dehydration can reduce hair growth. Do not substitute fruit juice or sodas for water. Moreover, they are not good for facial hair growth.

Reduce stress: Stress does not just slow down the rate of growth, but can also lead to loss of hair

Other ways you can grow your facial hair faster includes:

  • Exercising regularly
  • Moisturizing your hair regularly with eucalyptus essential oil
  • Grooming your facial hair with comb
  • Style your facial hair to make it appear fuller
  • Get a good sleep: 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night is fine
  • Quit smoking and other unhealthy habits

Rogaine or beard growth supplements

If you are looking for an over-the-counter solution then Rogaine or beard growth supplements may be what you’re after to give your beard growing efforts a shot in the arm as they say.

Final words

Growing your facial hair faster has a lot to do with healthy living unless you have a medical condition that is preventing the hair growth.  

Eat a good healthy diet, exercise regularly, reduce stress, quit smoking, and condition your facial hair. Look into Rogaine or beard growth supplements if you’re looking for an over-the-counter solution. Ensure you stay committed to all these tips to grow facial hair faster for effective results.

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