How to Grow Goatee Facial Hair

Do you want to make a goatee with your facial hair? Then this article is for you!

Goatee facial hair refers to any beard style that features hair primarily grown around your lips and shaved everywhere else on the face. A goatee will make you stylish and attractive.

How to grow out and style a goatee beard:

  • Grow out your facial hair.
  • Map out your goatee beard line.
  • Shave goatee edges.
  • Trim hair to the desired length.
  • Moisturize with beard oil.
  • Trim regularly.

For more on these steps, with extra details, plus a brief rundown on different goatee styles, take a look at the rest of our article!

A typical goatee is hair on the chin, but there are other types of goatee facial hair. They include:

Van Dyke- a goatee with detached mustache.

Full goatee– hair covers the chin and surrounds the mouth.

Anchor goatee- it stretches from your chin to under your lower lip.

What you should consider before considering goatee facial hair

Do you have the face shape for a goatee?

Goatee facial hair is a nice beard style for men with a weak chin or a round face. A goatee is also perfect for a square face shape.

Difference between facial hair color and skin tone

The difference between facial hair color and skin tone only matters if you want the goatee to be distinctive. If there is a stark difference between your facial hair and skin tone, the goatee will be distinctive and more attractive.

The best goatee beard for you

Do you like the full goatee or you prefer the anchor goatee, choose the goatee beard that resonates with your personality. If you find it difficult to identify the perfect one for you speak with your barber.

5 steps to make a goatee facial hair

Step 1: Allow your facial hair to grow

Stop shaving and allow your facial hair to grow out. For you to make a goatee, you need facial hair below your chin, and around the lip area. With enough facial hair growth, you have the flexibility of choosing from different goatee styles.

Step 2: Shave

You can bring out your razor once you feel the hair has grown out enough. Use powder to map out the outline of your facial hair. Then start shaving from the neck area, to the chin area, and then to the cheek until you have the shape you want.

To do this effectively, get a picture of the goatee style and shave accordingly.

Step 3: shape your goatee

After forming the goatee, use a sharp razor or electric shaver to shape the goatee to the perfect size. Before shaping, use comb to straighten out the hair, and then use the electric shaver or manual shaver to shape the edges of the goatee.

Keep these two things in mind when shaving and shaping. The width of the goatee should be the same as your mouth width. Put up a smile when to determine the accurate width. Also, make sure both sides of the goatee are symmetrical.

Step 4: Moisturize your goatee

After making your goatee style, clean your face and moisturize with a beard oil product to prevent dryness.

Step 5: Trim it regularly

Trim the edges of the goatee regularly with a trimmer, to prevent it from growing out in all directions. The idea of trimming it regularly is to maintain the shape of the goatee as it is in step 3. And don’t forget to condition it after trimming.


Making a goatee facial hair is interesting and fun. If you want to make one, follow our steps in the article. If you think you will mess it up, it will be in your best interest to let your barber handle it.

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