How to Trim Beard Facial Hair

Trimming a beard isn’t as simple as just running a razor over it. To get a truly tidy, nicely shaped beard takes tools, time, and preparation. To learn the basic steps you’ll need to get a great beard trim, you’ll need to take the following steps.

How to trim your beard:

  • Set your tools out.
  • Cleanse then brush your beard hair.
  • Trim overall length.
  • Trim and shape the neckline.
  • Shave hairs extending past hairline.
  • Trim and style moustache, (if applicable).

Sounds simple huh? for a bit more information on the steps to trim your facial air, see below…

A step-by-step guide on how to trim facial hair

Step 1: Get ready the tools

You need beard comb, facial hair scissors, a clipper or trimmer and beard oil.

Step 2: clean your facial hair

Use beard shampoo to clean your facial hair, and then condition it to make it soft. Allow it to dry before applying step 3.

Step 3: Brush it out

After your facial hair dries, use the beard comb to brush it out so that the hair comes out tall. This will make it easier to trim, also reveal the discrepancy in the hair’s length.

Step 4: Trim the facial hair all around

Start from the longest hair length using the bigger guard and gradually bring it down. You can continue with the lower guard until you get your desired length.

Step 5: Trim your neckline

Trimming the neckline is the trickiest part of trimming because there is a tendency to trim it to the wrong direction or trim it above the jaw line thereby compromising the shape of the beard.  The first you need to do is to define your neckline.

The neckline varies from individual to individual. But as a rule of thumb, place a finger one inch above your Adam apple, and tape the line you put your finger with a strip of cloth.

Then trim everything below this line. If necessary you can go above the neckline. Trim the hair under the jaw line, and then return to the center.

Step 6: Shave off everything below the neckline

You want your beard to wrap around your jaw line and the chin, shave off the rest. Remove the guard so that the setting is zero and shave off the trimmed hairs below the neckline.

Step 7: Shave your mustache

There are two ways you can shave your mustache. You either trim it to the same length as your beard or make it distinctive by making it longer. Trim the top and bottom of the mustache. While trimming, put on a smile and close your mouth. You can use either the trimmer or facial hair scissors.

Step 8: Apply essential oil

After trimming the facial hair, add a drop of beard oil to moist the beard.

After adding the oil, use beard comb to spread the oil. This will make the facial hair look enviable. It will also help expose the strays that were hiding while trimming, which you can easily finish off with your scissors.

Knowing how to trim facial hair is a good skill every bearded men, should learn. It will help you to keep your facial hair clean and attractive at all times. Besides, you are saving some cash by doing it yourself.

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